Too many point clouds

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Too many point clouds

Post by Comeuppance »

Hi All,

I just got my new scanner and when I export my scans as .stl and then attempt to import into CloudCompare (or solidworks for that matter) I get a size warning. For example CloudCompare says “do you really expect to load 175729776 point clouds”.

I have tried to “simplify” my scans and all it does is give me a low resolution scan and the same error/warning. How can I go about reduce the number of point clouds?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Too many point clouds

Post by daniel »

So, it's a bit strange because STL is an old triangular mesh format. Is it a handheld scanner that reconstructs the surface as well?

The other weird thing is the error message. It doesn't correspond to the STL format either (since this format cannot store multiple clouds) but to the BIN format. Make sure you select the right filter when opening the file.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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