I found some (in my opinion) odd behaviour when comparing the results of GUI and command line C2M distance calculations.
Using the GUI, I obtain the same results each time I use the same files and parameters. But when using the command line (which is necessary with my use case), the results differ each time - still using the same models and parameters. Is this intended?
Best regards,
C2M Distance, GUI vs CommandLine
Re: C2M Distance, GUI vs CommandLine
Your entities do they have big coordinates maybe? In which case the command line version doesn't 'shift' them automatically when the entities are loaded (and this can change the accuracy of the computations, hence the result).
Otherwise, a default parameter of the GUI version may not be 'defaulted' in the command line version (in which case we may have to fix that).
Otherwise, a default parameter of the GUI version may not be 'defaulted' in the command line version (in which case we may have to fix that).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin