Hi. I've been unsuccessful in using the rasterize capability from the CLI. My goal is to create 2D image projections of my pointcloud on each axis.
It seems first that PNG / Image export is not supported in the CLI and only in the GUI?
I'll settle for a TIF if that is the case, though when I run:
"C:\Program Files\CloudCompare\CloudCompare.exe" -SILENT -RASTERIZE -GRID_STEP 0.05 -VERT_DIR 0 -OUTPUT_RASTER_RGB -O model.laz
I get no outputs saved. I do get the following in the console:
[Global Shift] Max abs. coord = 1e+4 / max abs. diag = 1e+6
[ccColorScalesManager] Found 0 custom scale(s) in persistent settings
[Plugin] Searching: C:/Program Files/CloudCompare/plugins
Plugin found: Additional I/O (QADDITIONAL_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Animation (QANIMATION_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: CEA Virtual Broom (QBROOM_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: CANUPO (QCANUPO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Compass (QCOMPASS_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Core I/O (QCORE_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Cork (QCORK_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: CSF Filter (QCSF_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: CSV Matrix I/O (QCSV_MATRIX_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: DP file I/O (QDOT_PRODUCT_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: E57 (QE57_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: EDL Shader (QEDL_GL_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: ELlipser (QELLIPSER_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Facet/fracture detection (QFACETS_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: FBX (QFBX_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Hough Normals Computation (QHOUGH_NORMALS_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Hidden Point Removal (QHPR_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: LAS FWF file I/O (QLAS_FWF_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: M3C2 Distance (QM3C2_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: PCD file I/O (QPCL_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: PCL wrapper (QPCL_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: PCV / ShadeVis (QPCV_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: PDAL (QPDAL_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Photoscan I/O (QPHOTOSCAN_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: PoissonRecon (QPOISSON_RECON_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: RANSAC Shape Detection (QRANSAC_SD_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: RDB2 (I/O Plugin) (QRDB_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Riegl RDB I/O (QRIEGL_IO_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: Surface of Revolution Analysis (QSRA_PLUGIN.dll)
Plugin found: SSAO Shader (QSSAO_GL_PLUGIN.dll)
[Plugin] Searching: C:/Users/Yariv/AppData/Roaming/CCCorp/CloudCompare/plugins
[Plugin] Searching: C:/ProgramData/CCCorp/CloudCompare/plugins
[Plugin] Searching: C:/Program Files/CloudCompare/data/plugins
[Plugin][Additional I/O] New file extensions registered: ICM OUT PN POLY POV PV SOI SX
[Plugin][Core I/O] New file extensions registered: GEOREF MA OBJ OFF PDMS PTX SBF STL VTK
[Plugin][CSV Matrix I/O] New file extensions registered: CSV
[Plugin][DP file I/O] New file extensions registered: DP
[Plugin][E57] New file extensions registered: E57
[Plugin][FBX] New file extensions registered: FBX
[Plugin][LAS FWF file I/O] New file extensions registered: LAS
[Plugin][PCD file I/O] New file extensions registered: PCD
[Plugin][PDAL] New file extensions registered: LAS
[Plugin][Photoscan I/O] New file extensions registered: PSZ
[Plugin][RDB2 (I/O Plugin)] New file extensions registered: RDB2
[Plugin][Riegl RDB I/O] New file extensions registered: RDS
Opening file: 'vhive_group1_densified_point_cloud (1).laz'
[LAS] Point format: 3
[LAS] Spatial reference: PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],PARAMETER["central_meridian",3],PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","32631"]]
[ccGlobalShiftManager] Entity has very big coordinates: original accuracy may be lost! (you should apply a Global Shift or Scale)
[LAS] Color components are coded on 16 bits
[LAS] All 'PointSourceId' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'UserData' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'ScanAngleRank' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'EdgeOfFlightLine' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'ScanDirectionFlag' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'NumberOfReturns' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'ReturnNumber' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'GpsTime' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'Intensity' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[LAS] All 'Classification' values were the same (0)! We ignored them...
[I/O] File 'vhive_group1_densified_point_cloud (1).laz' loaded successfully
Found one cloud with 10899009 points
Processed finished in 13.18 s.
but no information is saved as a result?
Rasterize from CLI?
Re: Rasterize from CLI?
You should load the cloud (-O) before calling rasterize!
I'm even surprised you didn't get an error due to that...
I'm even surprised you didn't get an error due to that...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: Rasterize from CLI?
Thanks Daniel! I did realize that the order of the CLI params matters.
Now I get it to work, but the TIF output seems wrong.
While I get nice smooth TIFs or PNGs in the UI, I get a striped output in the CLI.
looks like all of the TIF isn't generated properly? Is it not the same engine as the UI one?
Now I get it to work, but the TIF output seems wrong.
While I get nice smooth TIFs or PNGs in the UI, I get a striped output in the CLI.
looks like all of the TIF isn't generated properly? Is it not the same engine as the UI one?
Re: Rasterize from CLI?
Got it! needed to add the global_shift option.
All good now :-)
All good now :-)