CC crashing Nvidia drivers

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CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by AG_MJA »

Hi there,

Just updated to the most recent software and I was hoping that it would solve a problem we have been having for the last 3 issues.

Once a cloud has been imported, when you try to select the cloud in the tree on the left hand side of the screen, it has a think then the following messages appear.


This only seems to occur on on cloud over 50 mil points ( this is very, very approx as i have not fully found the limit)

Obviously this is very frustrating, as I like to use CC to decimate the cloud and I am very much looking forward to using the new section/contour tool.

We have two computers that this occurs on, 64gb memory, 6 core i7-3930k oc'd @ 4.2Ghz, SSD's, Quadro 4000 and the other computer is slightly lessor spec 4 core i7, 32gb and Quadro 2000.

Any help you can give would be great.
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by daniel »

You should try to disable the 'Shader for faster display" in the "Color scale" section of the display parameters (you can access them via the Display menu, or directly by clicking on the small wrench icon in the left-side toolbar). We only had issues with ATI cards up to now, but who knows.

Tell me if it changes anything.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by AG_MJA »

Thanks for the prompt reply Daniel.

Unticking that option does not seem to have helped. I had a cloud loaded, unticked it and the same crash occured. I started a new CC, unticked the option, imported a cloud (sub divided into 20mil chunks) when i clicked on one of the sub clouds the same crash occured.

I always run the most upto date graphics drivers also.
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by AG_MJA »


I have tried putting the nvidia card into game development mode via the control panel. This seem to solve the problems I was having before, although CC does not seem to run quite as slickly as it did. But at least I can use it which is the main thing.

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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by daniel »

Indeed, I saw the driver version on your snapshot... And that's a good news for the 'Color ramp' shader (i.e. for me) but a bad news for you because that was my only guess ;).

It will be hard to investigate this on my side as I can't reproduce the crash (I even have a report from a user who has successfully loaded - and processed - 500 M. points...).

Here are a few questions:
  • Does it also occurs on 'blank' clouds (without color, normals, etc.)?
  • What bugs me is that 2 of your computers have the same issue while I've never heard of such an issue before... Is there any common particularity to these machines? What is the Operating System by the way? (looks like Seven)
Anyway if I believe this NVidia thread ( the problem might "only" be a TDR setting issue (the default 2 seconds might be a little two short to display 110 M. points, especially with all the color/normal/scalar fields activated?).

Here is the Microsoft page on how to check/set the TDR-related registry keys: ... s.85).aspx

Could you try to add the 'TdrLevel' key at the specified location with value '0' (to disable TDR) and tell me if it helps?

P.S.: Maybe it would be more secure to simply set the 'TdrDelay' key instead to something like 5 or 10 (seconds).

P.P.S.: here is the official Microsoft "fix" page for this error:
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by AG_MJA »

Thats for this Daniel,

I will investigate further and report.
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by AG_MJA »

Hi Daniel,

I have finally had a chance to test out your suggestions.

Firstly, the nivdia control panel was set back to base plan and the colour ramp shader was ticked, i.e. back to default.
Does it also occurs on 'blank' clouds (without color, normals, etc.)?
First test, using the same 110pt cloud (8.8 Gb file Pts) the following options were loaded in with the corresponding results.
a) Coords only - No crash
b) Coords & Scalar - no crash
c) Coords & RGB - no crash
d) Coords & Scalar & RGB - no crash
e) Coords & normals - no crash
f) Coords & Scalar & normals - Crash!
g) Coords & RGB & normals - Crash!
h) Coords & Scalar & RGB & normal - Crash!

So seems to be issue with displaying the normals.
What bugs me is that 2 of your computers have the same issue while I've never heard of such an issue before... Is there any common particularity to these machines? What is the Operating System by the way? (looks like Seven)
Computer one (used to test as it is a superior spec)
Asus P9X79 Deluxe
i7-3930K 3.2 GHz Oc'd to 4.2 GHz watercooled
64 Gb mem
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Win 7 64bit installed on SSD
All data stored and used off 2 Raid 0 SSD's

Computer two
Gigabyte Z68AP-D3
i7-2600k 3.4 GHz Oc'd to 4.1 GHz aircooled
32 Gb mem
Nvidia Quadro 2000
Win 7 64bit installed on Hdd
Data stored and used of SSD

All drivers etc are kept up to date
The only common factors I can see are Win 7 and the fact that I built all them both.
P.S.: Maybe it would be more secure to simply set the 'TdrDelay' key instead to something like 5 or 10 (seconds).
I have set a TdrDelay key to be 5 seconds and everything seems to be fine, no crashes. The program runs a little sluggish but I guess its just trying to render the cloud correctly.

I can dropbox you the pts file if you wish to try at your end.

(I used the cloud compare installer file if that helps)
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by daniel »

Thanks very much for the feedback!

Indeed, I should investigate this on my side (therefore I'm interested in your cloud).

I think that it's not precisely the normals display routines that cause the crash, but as normals are the "heaviest" to render they must explain the too long rendering delay that makes the driver crash. Not sure how to prevent this on CC's side, but I'll try to figure something out.

And meanwhile, have you tried the qEDL shader? It works as an alternative to normals (you have to disable them to get a nice result), it's faster and it's terrific ;)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by AG_MJA »


I am uploading the pts file dropbox now - only 22 hours to go! We have a shocking upload speed. I will send you the link once it has uploaded.

Just had a quick look at the qEDL and am impressed. I will have to think on to use it in the future.
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Re: CC crashing Nvidia drivers

Post by AG_MJA »

Hi Daniel,

Please find below the link to dropbox ... n=79952684

This give you the PTS file that I have been using.

I will leave the file on dropbox for a few days, if you can let me know once you have downloaded it, then I shall remove it.
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