Hi Daniel,
I have finally had a chance to test out your suggestions.
Firstly, the nivdia control panel was set back to base plan and the colour ramp shader was ticked, i.e. back to default.
Does it also occurs on 'blank' clouds (without color, normals, etc.)?
First test, using the same 110pt cloud (8.8 Gb file Pts) the following options were loaded in with the corresponding results.
a) Coords only - No crash
b) Coords & Scalar - no crash
c) Coords & RGB - no crash
d) Coords & Scalar & RGB - no crash
e) Coords & normals - no crash
f) Coords & Scalar & normals - Crash!
g) Coords & RGB & normals - Crash!
h) Coords & Scalar & RGB & normal - Crash!
So seems to be issue with displaying the normals.
What bugs me is that 2 of your computers have the same issue while I've never heard of such an issue before... Is there any common particularity to these machines? What is the Operating System by the way? (looks like Seven)
Computer one (used to test as it is a superior spec)
Asus P9X79 Deluxe
i7-3930K 3.2 GHz Oc'd to 4.2 GHz watercooled
64 Gb mem
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Win 7 64bit installed on SSD
All data stored and used off 2 Raid 0 SSD's
Computer two
Gigabyte Z68AP-D3
i7-2600k 3.4 GHz Oc'd to 4.1 GHz aircooled
32 Gb mem
Nvidia Quadro 2000
Win 7 64bit installed on Hdd
Data stored and used of SSD
All drivers etc are kept up to date
The only common factors I can see are Win 7 and the fact that I built all them both.
P.S.: Maybe it would be more secure to simply set the 'TdrDelay' key instead to something like 5 or 10 (seconds).
I have set a TdrDelay key to be 5 seconds and everything seems to be fine, no crashes. The program runs a little sluggish but I guess its just trying to render the cloud correctly.
I can dropbox you the pts file if you wish to try at your end.
(I used the cloud compare installer file if that helps)