Comparison of fixed points to the point cloud?

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Comparison of fixed points to the point cloud?

Post by CRONOS »


I have invited a terrain as a point cloud.
Now I have some levelled fixed points in this terrain.
(Invited as second point cloud.)

I want a list or overview how far the point cloud differs from the leveled fixed points. (Z-axis)

Over "distance" at "tools" I only get another "SF" point cloud without a written comparison.

Does anyone have an idea?

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Re: Comparison of fixed points to the point cloud?

Post by daniel »

If you want to 'read' the distance values you have two options:
- use the 'Point picking tool' or the 'SHIFT + left click' shortcut to spawn a label on the points of interest (on the cloud with distances). The distance will be displayed as the title of the 2D label.
- select the cloud with distances and export it as an ASCII/Text file. You'll be able to read each point coordinates and its associated distance. This can also be formatted as a CSV file for importation in Excel for instance.

And of course you can also control the colors used to display the distances, show the color scale, etc.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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