PDAL exception

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PDAL exception

Post by daniel111 »


I am encountering an error with some files when attempting to save as a .LAS

PDAL exception 'writers.las: Can't write with template-based filename using streaming point table.'

An error occured while saving '.....las': the third-third party library in charge of saving/loading the file has failed to perform the operation

This can occur after loading a .las file and then immediately saving it as a .las. saving as a different filetype works, but the secondary processing (different program) is affected/doesn't flow as smoothly.

I am wondering if anyone has encountered this error or knows a source of the error.

This occurs ~10% of the time from collected point clouds.

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Re: PDAL exception

Post by daniel »

Are there any special characters in the filename or the file path maybe? That's the only obvious reason I see why you would have such an error...

If not, it would be good to send us an example file (admin [at] cloudcompare.org) so that we can try to reproduce the error on our side.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: PDAL exception

Post by Jälv »

Your files must likely have a `#number` like `#1` `scan#2.las` in their name, and when saving it PDAL treats
the `#number` part as a placeholder that needs to be replaced.
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Re: PDAL exception

Post by daniel111 »


Yes there was a special character (#) in a parent folder.

Now removed, the saving is working without error.

Thank you for your help
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