Issue with FARO LS Plugin

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Issue with FARO LS Plugin

Post by ballegri »


I want to process scans from a FARO instrument (.fls files). I downloaded CloudCompare v2.13beta (on Windows) with both Python and FARO LS plugins to be able to run Python code through CloudCompare and process .fls files. The Python plugin is working as I am able to run scripts through CC, however, despite being present in Help/About Plugins, the FARO LT Plugin does not seem to be functioning. When running the python script, I get the following error message: "[Faro] Failed to connect to FARO LS runtime: Cannot instantiate FARO Open interface". Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

A colleague of mine has the CloudCompare v2.13alpha version (can't find that version anymore) and everything functions correctly on her setup.

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Re: Issue with FARO LS Plugin

Post by daniel »

What happens when you load the Faro .fls files directly via the 'File > Open' dialog?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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