For some reason when loading this point cloud file it shows up as a straight line, I can zoom in and out, but I don't see the full extent of the cloud.
Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
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- 1.png (38.99 KiB) Viewed 13644 times
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:44 pm
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
Hello, I'm not exactly sure what type of files you are using, but to give you a hint, I have encountered this type of issue before with files where the X, Y, and Z columns were not properly aligned. Make sure that the XYZ coordinates are correctly pointing to the appropriate columns in the table.
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
check xyz order during import
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
Also, a classical issue is if the points are expressed in a 'geographical' coordinate system with X and Y being angles, and Z being in meters (i.e. with a totally different scale). CC expects all 3 dimensions to be the same.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
Thank you. How can I check or edit this upon import?
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
This is a Mavik drone scan processed in MetaShape and extracted as a point cloud file.PierreGEOSCAN3D wrote: ↑Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:08 pm Hello, I'm not exactly sure what type of files you are using, but to give you a hint, I have encountered this type of issue before with files where the X, Y, and Z columns were not properly aligned. Make sure that the XYZ coordinates are correctly pointing to the appropriate columns in the table.
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
Make sure that you are using global shift during opening, if cc revommends it. It might be caused by large coordinate precision loss.
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
You'll see that right away by considering the scale/values in the X, Y and Z columns (angular values will be much smaller, and almost all the same)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
here's what I see when importing. For some reason I don't have an issue when opening up this point cloud in Quick Terrain Modeler.
- Attachments
- 1.png (24.09 KiB) Viewed 13416 times
Re: Cloud Point showing up as a straight line
And what the bounding-box looks like once you've loaded the cloud?
There's good chances that Quick Terrain Modeler does manage properly geographic coordinate systems...
There's good chances that Quick Terrain Modeler does manage properly geographic coordinate systems...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin