Plugin qKinect

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Plugin qKinect

Post by sebastien023 »

Hi Daniel,

first of all, thank you for this great piece of software!

I have some questions about the plugin qKinect.
I just get a Kinect one (aka V2) with the window usb adaptater, and I try to use it with CC.
In fact, is the kinect V2 supported by the plugin?
And can you help me to install it (step by step if possible!) because i'm not able to do that.

Thank you very much!
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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by daniel »

Well, I guess the Kinect for Windows should work. But the main problem of this plugin is that it is based on OpenKinect/libfreenect which is an open source (and portable) alternative to the official Microsoft drivers.

So you would have to install libfreenect first ( - just follow the 'Driver installation' section).

Not sure you really want to do that though because this plugin is a bit outdated ;) We should definitely upgrade it so that it can work with the official Microsoft SDK...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by Marcuzzo »

Hi Daniel,

i've tried the wiki instruction to install the cloucompare plugin for kinect but there's no way to download the "Glut - download and extract the latest", the link is broken. Do you have any suggestion?

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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by daniel »

If you only want to use the plugin, you just have to follow the instructions of the 'Driver installation' section:
Windows 7: step-by-step walkthrough (should also work with Windows XP!)
  • Plug in your Kinect. Windows will warn that no device driver was found for the plugged device (the LED of Kinect will not turn on). If Windows presents a dialog asking to search for drivers, simply cancel it.
  • Open the Device Manager: Start >> Control Panel >> System and Security >> System >> Device Manager
  • A device called "Xbox NUI Motor" should be somewhere there (most probably be under "Other devices") with a small yellow warning symbol "!" on top of its icon. Right click on it, and select "Update Driver Software...", then click on "Browse my computer for driver software".
  • "Browse" and select the folder where the "XBox_NUI_Motor.inf" is located (/platform/windows/inf inside your libfreenect source folder). Click "Next" and if warned by Windows that a non-certified driver is about to be installed, just order it to install it anyway.
  • After that, the Kinect LED should start blinking green. Now there will be two additional devices in the Device Manager list: "Xbox NUI Camera" and "Xbox NUI Audio". Repeat the above instructions for them as well.
Otherwise I haven't tried to compile libfreenect for a long time. It's a bit deprecated (it only works with the Kinect V1 by the way).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by Marcuzzo »

ok until everything is right , the kinect lights and the green LED blinks and is recognized, the fact is that in cloudcompare not find it under the pull-down menu plugin qkinect ... I'm using version 2.6.2
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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by daniel »

Do you see a warning/Error message in the Console when you start CloudCompare? (stating that the QKINECT_PLUGIN.dll file couldn't be loaded)

If yes, you could use the 'Dependency Walker' tool ( on the QKINECT_PLUGIN.dll file (in the plugins folder of CloudCompare) to see if a system DLL is missing (have you installed/re-installed the Visual 2012 Redistributable package for instance?).
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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by Timo »

Is there any support to connect the Kinectv2 to cloudcompare? If yes, how is that to be done?

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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by daniel »

Not right now. Personally I don't have a Kinect v2.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by marcos.azb »

Hi there,

I'm trying very hard to get to use kinect as a scanner in linux and so far, i have got no luck since almost everithing is not maintained anymore, and i saw that cloudcampare has this plugin, does this plugin still exist?
Im using kinect for xbox 360 (first version), already installed librenect with the viewer but i have to software to make the scan
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Re: Plugin qKinect

Post by daniel »

Nope, probably for the same reasons we don't support this plugin anymore.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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