use CC on Linux with Wine

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use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by erwan2970 »


I am working on Linux and I try to compile CC from the sources since a long time without success.
Waiting for this I use CC on Linux with Wine. PlayOnLinux is a GUI useful to have a good configuration of Wine.
I install CC with PlayOnLinux without any error message. But some plugins seems to be incompatibles with Wine and are not present :
poisson recon

Is there some windows libraries necessary to the installation ?
Like IE5 or .NET ?

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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by daniel »

I never played with Wine. And as all plugins are compiled with the same version of Visual they should work as long as CC works. However you could still try to reinstall the Visual 2012 redistributable package (64 bits)?
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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by erwan2970 »

I don't know Visual 2012. It's the software to create windows application ?
If it's this kind of software I have no use on Linux.
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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by daniel »

Weren't you asking for windows libraries? Then Visual is indeed the tool that is used to develop and compile the Windows version of CC. And Visual relies on several non-default libraries/DLLs that are all contained in the 'Visual redistributable package'... And this package is meant to be used by people that don't have Visual...

But of course this was just a guess from my part...
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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by erwan2970 »

Yes I was talking about Windows libraries but Visual is a software to create applications on Windows.
I think don't need this. Only something used by CC or plugin of CC.
eg. I use PlayOnLinux (a Wine frontend) to install Sketchup which use IE6 and OpenGL
I use POL with a CAD software needed VRUN and .NET
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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by daniel »

And yes, if you use a program that has been compiled with Visual you'll need to install the Visual redistributable package! It's a package full of libraries :D

CC does need the Visual redistributable package. It is automatically installed when using the installer. And there's even a note on the download page to tell that one should install it manually if using the archive version...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by erwan2970 »

thank you
I understand and find Visual on POL.
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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by erwan2970 »

CC 2.6.2 32bits run perfectly on POL with Visual2012.

thank you for your help
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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by erwan2970 »


le problème c'est que j'ai l'impression qu'on ne s'est pas vraiment compris dans mes posts précédents, d'autant que mon anglais est très basique.

Je me doute que Wine peut paraître une solution bancale vu qu'il existe une version Linux. Mais comme celle-ci ne suit pas au plus près le développement de CC (vu que c'est effectivement un énorme travail pour Romain Janvier), je me suis dit que ce serait pour moi le meilleur moyen d'utiliser la dernière version de CC.

Dans l'ensemble CC avec Wine se comporte bien mais uniquement en 32bits. Je suis sur Linux Mint 17.2 64bits mais la version 64bits de CC ne fonctionne pas. J'ai pourtant réussi à installer d'autres logiciels 64bits par ce biais.
Mint n'est pas tout à fait Ubuntu et il est possible que son environnement Cinnamon gène ne serait-ce que la compilation de CC sous Linux.

La version 2.6.2 de CC est vraiment un excellent outil dont je me sers régulièrement.

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Re: use CC on Linux with Wine

Post by viralata »

Hello / bonjour,
I'm using CC on linux for a while, but I need to import .fls files and the .fls import only works with the windows version of CC. It's working fine with a virtual machine (virtualbox) but I'd prefer to run it with wine. In POL, the installation of the 32bit CC works fine with no error, the installation of faro import too, bit at the end the .fls import is not working. I tried to install the redistribuable visual C++ 2012 on POL, but it make wine crash.
Do you have a step by step explanation of what I should do please ? Am I suppose to use only the 2012 version of visual ?
Si tu passes par là Erwann, tu peux aussi me répondre en français pour un explication pas à pas de l'instalation de CC sur POL (linuxmint 17 64 bit), ce serait très sympa de ta part.
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