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Post by tyna77 »

I want to make raster from point cloud using Rasterize tool. I need raster in 32-bit format floating point but I have 64-bit double. Is there any option how to change the format?
Also when I get raster and I import it to ArcGIS, created DEM has rectangle around with value 0,2 and I need NoData. Can I set this or it is default?
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Re: Rasterize

Post by daniel »

There's no visible option to switch to 32 bits floating point values (to do this you would have to change a few lines in the code and compile CC yourself).

And regarding the empty cells value, we use the minimum height in the raster grid minus 1 (min(h) - 1). Then we declare this value as 'No data value' with GDAL (GDALRasterBand::SetNoDataValue).

However it seems this 'No data value' is not a standard for the geotiff format (see http://www.gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html: << GDAL stores band nodata value in the non standard TIFFTAG_GDAL_NODATA ASCII tag >>). Therefore depending on the tool you use to load this file, it might not consider the corresponding cells as 'empty'. Maybe there's a way to do this afterwards in Arc?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Rasterize

Post by tyna77 »

Thanks for advice. I found a tool in ArcGIS called Copy Raster. You can change format of raster (Pixel Type) and also set nodata value (Ignore Background Value and NoData Value) there.

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