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Small little things for histogram display and color scale

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:33 pm
by Dimitri
Hi Daniel,

I've a few suggestions to facilitate the use of histogram:
. it would be superuseful that the histogram takes into account the displayed range (it already does) AND the tick box 'show NaN/out of range...'. In particular for intensity values that can be extremely variable, if you want to see the histogram in the interesting part, very often you have first to segment the data by min/max, and then do the histogram. If the 'show NaN/out..." box is untick, the histogram would display directly the part the user is interested in without the need to create a new data.
. it would be supergreat to be able to export the histogram data (in a txt file with mean bin position, bin width and number of counts).
. it would be great to have a button to copy just this window (or even save it as a figure).
. It would be great if the histogram could display the total sum of the scalar (useful for volume computation for instance).

I also note that it remains a bit tricky to get color scales with numbers that are not fully esoteric (i.e. 0, 1.367, 2.789. I know you've worked a lot on this and improved it from the early days of CC. Creating your own color scale and playing with the displayed precision helps, but there's still some issue. I think there might be one final element missing: a button/place where the user can indicate the rounding of the displayed scale number (for instance, round to 0.1, to 2, to 5 to 10 etc...). This way, rather than getting 0; 1.112; 2.214;.....36,6554, you'll have if you select 1: 0,1,2,....37.

What do you think of these ?

Re: Small little things for histogram display and color scale

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:26 am
by daniel
I agree with the histogram enhancements (some of them are even already in the TODO list I believe - this list is much too long now, I can't read it anymore ;).

Regarding the color scale, that would work of course. Same thing I'll add this to the TODO list (but as you know each time I have to fight with the color scale code it takes too much time :( ). Meanwhile, ca't you achieve almost the same thing by setting the display precision to 0 in the 'Display settings'? (well it will work for 0,1,2,3,4, etc. at least).

Re: Small little things for histogram display and color scale

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:36 pm
by orinn
For the Histogram to display even numbers we trim the cloud to even numbers. Set your scalar field to the nearest round numbers. Say its 0 to 25.1234 then set it to 0 to 25, and then set the visibility to this and trim it. This usually achieves the color break down I need. You may need to tweak the number of colors being displayed to dial in the results you are looking for.

Update: After playing with this some more, I too wish for the ability to define the displayed scale better. My method works but you can only set numbers with the data set you have. So if there is no 0, I cant set the scale to 0, only to lowest number I have, thus forcing me to chop off data if i want the scale to show even numbers.

Re: Small little things for histogram display and color scale

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 10:51 am
by daniel
Okay, I've finally had some time to enhance the histogram display (NaN values in grey, and two export buttons - one as an image, and one as a CSV file): ...

The color scale labels is my next aim!

Re: Small little things for histogram display and color scale

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:44 am
by daniel
Alas, I've add some time to take care of the 'custom labels' feature (during a very long train trip between Hamburg and Grenoble ;).

The user can now specify a list of 'custom labels' for each color scale:
cc_custom_color_scale_labels.jpg (136.83 KiB) Viewed 7009 times
I've updated the latest online beta release (see the download page).