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rotate/translate a box primitive in its own coordinate

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:06 pm
by zzwbeyond
I use the 'Translate/Rotate' method to translate or rotate the box primitive in a point cloud.
But I want to rotate the box relative to the box own coordinates. For example, I can rotate/translate the box in the direction of the x axis of the box when I select the x in the 'translate/rotate' dialog (like blow).
box coordinate.jpg
box coordinate.jpg (80.14 KiB) Viewed 3993 times
How to create a box primitive coordinate in the point cloud, so I can rotate or translate the box relative to its own coordinates rather than the point cloud coordinate?

Re: rotate/translate a box primitive in its own coordinate

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:15 am
by daniel
This is not possible by default in CloudCompare (with the 'Manual Transformation' tool).

However you could look at the 'Cross Section' tool that works the same way as what you are looking for. You could use an object similar to the 'ccClipBox' object (see ... cClipBox.h).