I wonder if CC can do spatial subsample of many scans inside an E57 and taking them all as a whole when it comes to subsampling it. Like, two scans may have no more density than 0.01m but when registered together there could be many points in less than 1cm apart. Is it possible to run the subsample taking into account neighboring scans?
Subsample across scans
Re: Subsample across scans
Not easily. You can merge the scans (with Edit > Merge) and keep the original scan index as a scalar field. Then use the 'Subsample' tool, and eventually separate the scan again (one by one) with 'Edit > Scalar fields > Filter by value'...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Re: Subsample across scans
That's not a bad idea! And you think there's a way to make a batch separate-by-scalar-field?
That's not a bad idea! And you think there's a way to make a batch separate-by-scalar-field?