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Substracting point cloud from another

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 6:15 am
by guysadot
I have two point clouds, one of them contain about half of the points of the other. Now I'm interested about the other half and would like to extract him as a separate las.
can it be done?
Thanks for all the responders


Re: Substracting point cloud from another

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:57 pm
by daniel

Yes that's fairly easy. Use the C2C tool (Tools > Distances > Compute cloud to cloud distances). Use the larger cloud as the compared cloud, and the smaller one as the reference. You can also a max distance to something very small (but not 0) so as to speed up the computation if the clouds are large.

Then, once the computation is done (you'll have to hit the red 'compute' button), close the tool, select the compared cloud (the large one) and finally use the 'Edit > Scalar fields > Filter by value' tool. You can set the min and max values to 0, and choose to 'split' the cloud.