Dear Daniel,
I'm trying to filter a point cloud using the cmd -FILTER_SF with a scalar field (signed distances by) and export it to a LAZ point cloud. However the cmd is not working properly. So I wonder what is the correct syntax?
My complete cmd is
'!CloudCompare -AUTO_SAVE OFF -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO D:\Users\Gil\AIGreen\Vinha\Geocoding\ResultsGil\TestePC_grd.laz -COORD_TO_SF Z -RASTERIZE -GRID_STEP 0.4 -EMPTY_FILL INTERP -OUTPUT_RASTER_Z -OUTPUT_MESH -POP_CLOUDS -O -GLOBAL_SHIFT AUTO D:\Users\Gil\AIGreen\Vinha\Geocoding\ResultsGil\TestePC_sub.laz -c2m_dist -SET_ACTIVE_SF 0 -FILTER_SF 0 2.5 -C_EXPORT_FMT LAS -SAVE_CLOUDS FILE D:\Users\Gil\AIGreen\Vinha\Geocoding\ResultsGil\TestePC_norm.laz'
How to use -FILTER_SF?
Re: How to use -FILTER_SF?
Can you be more precise on what doesn't work exactly? Do you get an error message, or you don't get the expected result maybe?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin