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Measure distance between a pointcloud and the vertices in a mesh using the command line

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 1:08 pm
by MMM
I’m trying to measure the distance between the points in a pointcloud and the vertices in a mesh using the command line. I’ve done it several times using the GUI, but I cannot seem to find the way to do it using only the commands. I’ve tried using '-c2c_dis't but I get an error saying ‘No point cloud available. Be sure to open or generate one first!’. It is obviously a problem about how to pick only the vertices of the mesh. I’ve also tried extracting the vertices from the mesh using '-EXTRACT_VERTICES', so I can measure their distance to that of the pointcloud. However, I cannot find either how to transfer that scalar information from the extracted vertices back to the mesh. There seems not be any option such as ‘Interpolate from another entity’ in the command line as it is in the GUI.

Any help on how to solve this? I really need to do it via the command line as there are too many entities to process via the GUI.
Thanks a lot.

Re: Measure distance between a pointcloud and the vertices in a mesh using the command line

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 4:37 pm
by daniel
Indeed that's not possible. The C2C command line only allows you to compute the distances between 2 real clouds or 2 meshes (in which case it will use their vertices).

Maybe you could use a Python script to do it? (with the new CloudCompy project:

Re: Measure distance between a pointcloud and the vertices in a mesh using the command line

Posted: Tue May 31, 2022 7:57 pm
by MMM
Thanks very much for your swift answer. I’ll check CloudCompy.
Is there any chance of implementing any of the functions mentioned above in the command line in future versions of CloudCompare?
Thanks again.

Re: Measure distance between a pointcloud and the vertices in a mesh using the command line

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 10:08 am
by daniel
It's technically always possible, but the issue is alway who will do it and when... We rely on the motivation of contributors ;)