How can I get a height scale bar next to a PC?

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How can I get a height scale bar next to a PC?

Post by okay »

I have split a classified point cloud into ground and off-ground points. Then I applied the colour ramp to the off-ground points. What I'd like to do is plot a scale bar showing the height of the point cloud, but minus the height of the ground points layer. e.g. just the height of the features in the point cloud and not the terrain included (the point cloud shows a forest).

How can I accomplish this?

I know that I can make a 2.5 D volume mesh which auto-displays the volume layer with a colour scale bar. The problem is that this reconfigures the point cloud to have a bottom plane equal to 0, whereas I still would like this to be plotted relative to the actual terrain (> 0).

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Re: How can I get a height scale bar next to a PC?

Post by eliscio »

I am not sure if I am thinking of this correctly, but you could turn all the Z values into a scalar field and then display the histogram.

Alternatively, create a scale in another program and import it as a dxf and then place it where you want in your 3D view using the transform tools.

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