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3D Scanner App

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:37 am
I do not understand English. I rely on translation sites.

I captured the image using the 3D Scanner App on my iPhone and exported the point cloud. (GPS turned on)
The same data was output as two types of data.
・For CloudCompare (xyzrgb)
・Las Geo-Referenced(GPS Coords as long,lat,alt)
CloudCompare is fine.
Las Geo-Referenced has a low y-axis and extends horizontally.
I think it's a problem with the output of the 3D Scanner App.
Is it possible to correctly import Las Geo-Referenced into CloudCompare?
The first two are For CloudCompar. The next two photos are Las Geo-Referenced.

Re: 3D Scanner App

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:04 pm
by daniel

It seems you have used a Geographic Coordinate System (CGS). This mixes angular units for X and Y, and metric units for Z. CloudCompare doesn't handle this kind of coordinate system.

Re: 3D Scanner App

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:17 am
Thank you Daniel.
I am creating a coordinate conversion program based on the replies.
Next, let's convert the data from the 3D Scanner App and import it into CC.
Thanks for the help.